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The HVAC Jerks

Dec 30, 2018

No matter what you call it, adding-on, enhancing the sale, or just plain upselling, sales are an important part of an HVAC technician's job.  It can be done with the customer's best interest in mind, or with the worst of intensions.  Listen to what The HVAC Jerks have to say and make sure that you know...

Dec 23, 2018

Most of us have had mixed experiences with supply houses; some really good, some horribly bad.  The Jerks discuss why contractors get so frustrated with some counter people, and also why the problem is so difficult to fix.  Listen to what they have to say, and then tell them why they're wrong!  

Dec 16, 2018

This battle has been going on for a long, long time people. Are you selling an equipment brand, or are you selling your brand? Listen to what The HVAC Jerks have to say, then let them know what you think at ! And, they've got new music this week, too!

Dec 9, 2018

The Jerks are back in episode 11 to expose the frustrating boiler mistakes we all see in the field. Kevin gets passionate about bad installations, Anonymous Joe makes fun of him for talking with his hands, and Rich tries to get them to stick to the topic. It's just a circus again.

Dec 2, 2018

In this episode The Jerks begin the discussion on boilers and hydronic heating, and give Joe an alias for the day.