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The HVAC Jerks

Mar 28, 2021

The HVAC Jerks don't usually attract many "non-hvac" industry listeners, but one found them and sent an email.  Apparently, Ohio Bob can't find anyone to address his air flow issue, they just want to, well, take a listen and see what you think. 

Mar 25, 2021

Whoops!  It looks like somebody may have just one too many...

Mar 21, 2021

After The Jerks finish with their ridiculous discussion about mattresses, the talk turns to brand loyalty, and why it is so difficult to get some people to consider something different.  Why are you using the yellow one instead of the red one?

Mar 17, 2021

Sometimes I just like looking back on some older stuff.  Here's a few things NOT to do.

Mar 14, 2021

We all know these have been trying times lately, yes, but for most of us in the HVAC world, 2020 actually turned out pretty well.  The bottom line is, if your company isn't making money now, you'd better take a hard look at why, and fix it quick!