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The HVAC Jerks

Sep 30, 2021

Aaannnd ... here we go back into the sea.  Why do we put up with these Jerky bastards?  Yeah, I guess you're right; they're better than listening to the news, but that's not sayin' much. 

Sep 26, 2021

As always, (that sounds familiar) everything is easier if there is a process in place.  That goes as much for giving the customer the price, as anything else.  But what if your company doesn't have one?  Sounds messy!

Sep 22, 2021

Lets take a vote; Should The HVAC Jerks go to Mars?

Sep 19, 2021

In the last episode of season 3, The Boys speak to Steve Grady, a rep for Bosch products, about heat pumps.  Facts, fiction, and folly, it's all here.

Sep 16, 2021

Last week they were in the ocean, now they're talkin' about space!   Jerks.