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The HVAC Jerks

Apr 28, 2022

Again, ... it's "Jerky Bits!"; who knows what the &%@#% these idiots are thinking!  (and, yes, that's the way Bing spelled multiple Wallaby)

Apr 24, 2022

Ben Poole from HVAC Tactical joins The Boys this week to talk about the recent awards ceremony in Las Vegas among other things.  Now here's a guy that knows how to get things done!

Apr 21, 2022

Summer is coming, we can feel it!  Now, let's see, ... how can we work cows and bar-b-ques into an HVAC show?

Apr 17, 2022

This week The Boys discuss what it takes to be successful in business.  Can we all really do anything that we set our minds to?  

Apr 13, 2022

Need to destress?  Take two Jerky Bits! and call me in the morning.